
Pasteur International Center for Research on Emerging Infectious Diseases
> Announcements > Event

PICREID collaborators attend CREID annual meeting

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023


Friday June 16, 2023


A delegation of PICREID collaborators attended the annual meeting of the CREID network in Bethesda from June 13-16 2023.

On day 1, PD/PI Professor Anavaj Sakuntabai kicked things off with a presentation of PICREID progress, highlighting our collaborations with Institut Pasteur du Cambodge, Centre Pasteur du Cameroun, Institut Pasteur de Dakar, CRID Cameroon, Leipzig University and Sivas Cumhuriyet University.

Dr. Souand Mohamed Ali followed with a great talk on the Search for Novel Arboviruses in Mosquitoes in Cambodia.

Day 2 began with presentations from the laureats of the 2nd CREID Network Pilot Program call, co-chaired by PICREID collaborator and Year 1 laureat Dr. Janin Nouhin of Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.

Following this there was a lively round table discussion on Climate Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases, featuring several prominent panelists including Dr. Richard Paul from PICREID. The day concluded with a riveting look back on the COVID-19 pandemic presented by Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, highlighting the continued importance of research such as that performed by the CREID network in outbreak preparedness and response.

Day 3 was heavily focused on science, featuring great talks from a number of fantastic researchers, including four PICREID collaborators!

Dr. Paul Alain Tagnouokam Ngoupo of Centre Pasteur du Cameroun spoke about the Seropravalence of Rift Valley Fever and Associated Factors in Cattle and Small Ruminents in Cameroon.

Dr. Gamou Fall of Institut Pasteur de Dakar gave a talk on the Epidemiology and Molecular Characterization of Crimean-Congo Hemmorhagic Fever in Senegal.

IPD collaborators Dr. Aliou Barry and Diawo Diallo spoke about the “Early Detection of Arbovirus and Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Outbreaks through the Sentinel Surveillance System in Senegal” and the “Zoological findings of five outbreaks of Crimean-Congo Hemmorhagic Fever in Senegal between 2021 and 2022,” respectively.

Day 4 was dedicated to fantastic workshops on subjects like grant writing, field biosafety and bioinformatics.

It was a great conference! Hats off to the organizers at the CREID network and NIAID for this wonderful event. Looking forward to the Year 4 edition!

Professor Anavaj Sakuntabhai
Dr. Souand Mohamed Ali
Climate Change Panel featuring Dr. Richard Paul from PICREID
Keynote address by Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove
Dr. Paul Alain Tagnouokam Ngoupo
PICREID collaborators, from left to right: Kelly Prifti, Etienne Simon-Lorière, Anavaj Sakuntabhai, Aliou Barry and Moussa Moïse Diagne
Research reported in this project was supported by the National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U01AI151758.
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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